Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Did Neil Armstrong land on moon??
There are lot of controversies that Armstrong never landed on moon,
They say that It was all a fake story played by nasa.

A guy called as collier was about to leave for moon from Russia,
And these Americans want to take the pride from the Russians that they where the first one to land on moon,
But they really didn't.
Issue 1 :
Since the Moon has only one light source, the Sun, the shadows must be in line. But in this cases, it looks as if there are multiple light sources in moon, which is not possible.
Issue 2:
The foreground of many images of the astronauts on the Moon are filled in with light, while the shadows remain absolutely black, again proving that there are multiple light sources.
Issue 3 :
There are no stars in the background from pictures taken on the Moon.

posted by Ammie at 12:43 AM | Permalink |