Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tongue made from buttocks
A Polish man who had his tongue removed has had a new one made using tissue taken from his buttocks.
Jarislav Ernst, 23, from Gliwice, now has a functioning tongue made from his backside after surgery at the Oncology Clinic in Gliwice's General Hospital.
Head doctor Stanislaw Poltorek said: "The new tongue is alive and well-supplied with blood, and the patient is doing well."
Mr Ernst's tongue was removed after it was diagnosed with cancer.
Dr Poltorek added: "We removed the tumour-filled tongue, checking that there were no remaining cancerous cells around the patient's mouth, then collected skin, fat and nerve tissue from the man's buttocks and modelled that into a new tongue, which we sewed into his mouth."
Making a new tongue out of tissue from the buttocks! That’s odd.
posted by Ammie at 1:09 AM | Permalink |